25 May 2009

thirty before thirty

i've been resistant to blogging for a long time. i actually started a Xanga in college when it was trendy but it didn't last long. i didn't think i had anything to contribute, i'd waste space on the world wide web since it wasn't like anyone was going to read it anyway. but it's a rainy day, and i'm taking a break from my master's thesis to create this blog.

i'm 25 and about 6 years ago (the actual start date was 10/21/03) i created my "Thirty Before Thirty" list, thirty things i wanted to accomplish before turning 30.  this year i've actually knocked quite a few things off my list, which, i should note, is very fluid in nature. some days there are 25 things on it, some days there are 31 things on it. anyway, for some reason or another, i decided that starting a blog should be on that list. so here it is, my "30 b4 30" blog, and my attempt at contributing something worthwhile to the good of society.