04 November 2009

the day i wish i owned a snuggie

Today I was laying on the couch thinking about how I want to live the life I picture myself living. This picture of life that I have is one in which I cook more food from scratch, learn how to do things myself, be more artistic, accomplish my 30 before 30 :) and several other things that would make me a better person.

One of these is also to watch less tv and read more books. So as I was sitting here trying to decide how to relax this afternoon, I decided to finish two of the books on my coffee table. However, the outside temperature right now, although sunny, is about 50 which makes my apartment about 62 degrees which, in turn, means I need to lay here with a blanket. I seriously asked myself, 'Hmmm, how can I can lay here wrapped up in a blanket and still be able to hold my book?' Suddenly, it came to me...a Snuggie! The blanket with arms!

Does owning a sunggie put me toward or further away from the life I picture myself living?

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