20 April 2010

An Evening with Martin Sheen

Brian landed free tickets for the Ralph L. Collins lectures series at the IU Auditorium this spring, so last night we were entertained by Martin Sheen. He talked about his time on West Wing (did you know 75% of Americans say they would vote for him/Josiah Bartlett?), other aspects of his acting career, personal life, and his vocation as an activist.  He put in a big push for the San Carlos Foundation, an organization which places professionals in developing countries to provide communities and their people with resources for education in order to create jobs and aid in decreasing poverty.

My only critique is that he called us the University of Indiana...

'An Evening with Martin Sheen' this year's free Ralph L. Collins Memorial Lecture

Martin SheenAward-winning actor, social activist and humanitarian Martin Sheen will appear at 7:30 p.m. April 19 at Indiana University Auditorium. Sheen will present the IU Department of Theatre and Drama's 2010 Ralph L. Collins Memorial Lecture.
 Full Story

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