24 March 2010

Spring Break Recap - Post 2 of 4

Thru-hiking the AT does not sound like something I want to do. 

When we arrived at the Cosby Knob shelter on Tuesday night, it was just a little after 5 pm.  Ten thru hikers had already made it there. The majority were already in their sleeping bags and eating cold food.  All headlamps were out by 8 pm, and although it was gray and snowy, it was still light out.  It seemed kind of lame.  I like to hike and do backpacking trips so that I can enjoy the time outside, stop for views, experience creation, take time to sit around a fire or a stove and cook a nice meal while chatting distraction-free with friends.    

This group was all work and no play.  They were concerned only with getting to their destination each night which is a lot of pressure.  They had been cold and wet for almost a month, hiking through waist-deep snow for days, sometimes even up to their armpits.  All of this a result of wanting to hit the trail in mid-February to avoid crowds...?  I'm not sure how worth it is.  One guy, a Canadian, took 4 months off work.  He started early Feb so he's planning to be finished by early June- it's not even warm yet in Maine, the trail's end, in June.  

I have often thought about doing a long thru hike, something like the AT, the PCT, or after a friend hiked it later, the Camino de Santiago de Compostela from France to Spain.  But, I think I may have crossed the AT off my list.

'Suum Cuique'

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