11 May 2010


In case you weren't aware, next week is National Bike to Work Week, May 17 - 21 with Friday being official Bike to Work Day! Lots of cities are doing exciting things so you should check out what's going on around you. Bicycling to work offers great benefits to individual health, and it can also benefit your local environment (Coe, 2010). The League of American Bicyclists has several resources to use during the week!

However, I do not support or endorse the Critical Mass organization and their actions.  Critical Mass tends to attack car drivers and instead of "Sharing the Road," they want to take over the road.

Coe, E.E. and Chancellor, H.C. (2010). Exploring motives, benefits, constraints, and needs of bicycle commuters. The Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. In submission.

05 May 2010

Bloomington, IN

It pained me to leave my Washington, DC network on Facebook as I headed west on I-70 in 2007.  It took me months after to even change my "Current City" status to Bloomington.  The girl who took me to look at apartments said I'd love this place, it was the, and I quote her directly, "cultural mecca of Indiana."  Let's reinforce that the clarifier in that statement is most important, "of Indiana."  Can you tell I am a skeptic?

Okay, was a skeptic.  Despite my apathy, I have actually come to love my Midwestern town, and if you have to live in Indiana, this is definitely where you should be.  The video below was created by a local church to show new members of the community a little bit about their new home.  Watch it - especially my friends who have yet to visit. This is all part of my ploy to convince you that Bloomington needs to be your next vacation destination!

01 May 2010


Ummmm, on behalf of the world, I would like to say thank you to the parents of this entitled "intern."

From Gawker.com

The (Potential) Intern From Hell

Every season, at every company, there has to be that one terrible intern. Usually they just fall asleep at work, or show up drunk. Allow us to introduce you to one intern candidate who sounds much, much worse.

A tipster sent us these emails from a real intern applicant at a company in New York. After the company didn't get back to him after one full day, the would-be intern sent them this reminder note:

The (Potential) Intern From Hell

Goodness! The company wrote back to the applicant saying that the internships had already been filled, and by the way, the note he sent was rude. This was his response:

The (Potential) Intern From Hell

Interns: Always teaching.