11 May 2010


In case you weren't aware, next week is National Bike to Work Week, May 17 - 21 with Friday being official Bike to Work Day! Lots of cities are doing exciting things so you should check out what's going on around you. Bicycling to work offers great benefits to individual health, and it can also benefit your local environment (Coe, 2010). The League of American Bicyclists has several resources to use during the week!

However, I do not support or endorse the Critical Mass organization and their actions.  Critical Mass tends to attack car drivers and instead of "Sharing the Road," they want to take over the road.

Coe, E.E. and Chancellor, H.C. (2010). Exploring motives, benefits, constraints, and needs of bicycle commuters. The Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. In submission.

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