23 September 2009


Okay, so maybe I'm not cut out for blogging. My last post was May 25th...Sheesh! That was almost exactly 4 months ago. However, I have always held a belief about myself that once I decide to do something, I stick with it to the end. I won't be blogging for all eternity, but for now, I'm not giving up.

So let's see here. As aforementioned, I have accomplished several of my thirty before thirty goals in the past year. Most recently, I finished my master's degree. I wish I could put a "Goal Number" in parentheses beside that statement. That way it would be easier for those of you keeping track. The problem with that method is that the list is pretty dynamic and it's never been written down in full form. I'm quite paradoxical in that I love lists (and apparently, goals), but I can't be that organized and "type A."

Nevertheless, my Master's degree is complete. I am a Master! I feel pretty good about it. This in particular was one of list items that it took quite a bit of time to accomplish. I was enrolled in school for the past years, and it all culminated with the completion of my master's research. I really learned some things about myself over the past two years, and one being, that I love research. Nerdy, right? I know. But I completed a qualitative study exploring bicycle commuting in my town. I learned a lot about the newer research concerning health and active living as well as sustainable practices. So maybe it doesn't sound that interesting, but it is to me.

Now, this blog is also something that I'm starting to accomplish. I have a feeling this is going to be another one of those items that takes a long time to complete. I can't fill that checkbox on this one just cause I started the blog. Seriously. It took me four months just to write a second post. But I will try to set a goal so that I blog more frequently. In an ideal world, I would blog around three times a week. But this is not an ideal world, and let's be honest, it would be difficult to go from one per four months to three per one week. Therefore, the plan is that I'll start small, and try to blog once a week. Hopefully, I'll work my way to three times a week. I think this post in and of itself is enough for one day, at least for someone who is not cut out for blogging.

So one and a half checkboxes are now filled, and only 28.5 left to go!

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