01 February 2010

LGG Winter Farmers' Market in full-swing!

Saturday morning gave Brian and I the opportunity to visit the Winter Farmers' Market hosted by the Local Growers Guild, and pick up some yummy stuff.  Included on our shopping list this week was Brown County coffee beans but we found a few extras. We discovered Brown County coffee early last fall, and we love their beans.  We are starting to become more chummy with owner, Nick Schultz, and this week he gave us a free sample of the Ethiopia which was really tasty, but we're also really happy with our Papua New Guinea.  I bought some honey produced by a local bee farm from Martinsville, and we also picked up some farm-fresh eggs and made our favorite breakfast on Sunday using the eggs.  We dice a couple potatoes, chop up peppers, onions, and garlic, and throw it all in a skillet with olive oil and add plenty of spices.  Then, throw pre-cooked sausage in to re-heat.  After the potatoes are cooked through (we like them crunchier),  cook eggs over-easy on top the potatoes and sausage.  Finish off with some cheese.

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